Here are your answers compared to this voter’s answers.
科学 › 宇宙的探索
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
外交政策 › 军费支出
9>9 Personal answer减少 |
移民 › 公民考试
9>9 Personal answer是,但只限于非常基础和简单的话题 |
国家安全 › National Identification System
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
国家安全 › Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Defense
9>9 Personal answer不 |
Technology › 社交媒体监管
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
国内政策 › 毒品政策
9>9 Personal answer不,但是对提供医疗效应的毒品例如大麻进行合法化 |
国家安全 › Foreign Assassination
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they have committed an attack against our country |
Housing › Homeless Encampments
9>9 Personal answer不 |
Technology › Cryptocurrencies
9>9 Personal answerNo, and underprivileged citizens deserve the same financial opportunities and services that traditional banks offer the wealthy |
国内政策 › 任期限制
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
环境 › 水力压裂法
9>9 Personal answer不,我们应该寻求更可持续的能源 |
Housing › Rent Control
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
交通运输 › Congestion Pricing
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
外交政策 › 外国援助
9>9 Personal answer提高,但是只对于那些没有对人权进行干涉的国家 |
Housing › High density residential buildings
9>9 Personal answer不 |
Here is how you compare to this voter on popular political themes.
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Based on 3 questions that are ranked 更不 important to you.
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Based on 2 questions that are ranked 最不 important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked 最不 important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked 最不 important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked 最不 important to you.
Based on 3 questions that are ranked 最不 important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked 最不 important to you.
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