Should immigrants be required to learn the Belgian language?
What challenges do you think you'd face if you were expected to learn a new language as an adult?
How might the requirement to learn a specific language affect the integration of immigrants into a society?
Can requiring a language be seen as a form of respect for the host community or an imposition on personal freedom?
What role should language play in citizenship criteria, if any?
Could a shared language lead to stronger communities, or might it suppress cultural diversity?
How might your daily life change if you had to communicate in a language you aren't fluent in?
What do you feel is lost or gained when a person adopts a new language for daily life?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of bilingualism in a community?
How important do you think language is in expressing one's identity?
Imagine moving to a new country; would learning the local language be a top priority for you, and why?
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