The Belgian Christian Democratic and Flemish party, known by its Dutch acronym CD&V, is a center-right political party in Belgium that primarily represents the Flemish-speaking community. Rooted in Christian democratic ideology, the party places a strong emphasis on social justice, community values, and the principles of solidarity and subsidiarity. This means that while the CD&V advocates for a market economy, it also believes in the importance of the state's role in correcting market failures, protecting the vulnerable, and ensuring that economic growth benefits all segments…
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Hur tror du att din lokala gemenskap skulle förändras om det lades mer vikt vid att skydda de sårbara och se till att ekonomisk tillväxt gynnar alla?
Har du någonsin känt dig bortglömd eller osupporterad av din regering och hur tror du att politik som fokuserar på social rättvisa kunde ha gjort en skillnad?
I en värld fokuserad på snabb ekonomisk tillväxt, vilken betydelse lägger du på miljöansvar och hur skulle du balansera det med ekonomiska intressen?
Kan du tänka dig en stund när dialog och samarbete kunde ha löst en konflikt i din skola eller samhälle mer effektivt än konfrontation?
What role do you think education and healthcare should play in our society, and how should they be supported by the government?
Reflecting on the principle of subsidiarity, how do you think decisions affecting your community should be made, at a local or national level?
How would you envision a society where the values of family, education, and community are prioritized and what changes would be necessary to achieve this?
If you could propose a policy to improve your local community, what would it be and how would it embody the values of social justice and solidarity?
What experiences or observations lead you to believe in the importance of a market economy that is regulated to prevent failures and protect all citizens?
Discuss a time when you or someone you know benefited from a community or government initiative aimed at correcting a 'market failure' or providing support.