Interimná vláda Sýrie vyhlásila koniec brutálnej vojenskej operácie proti prorovským povstalcov v pobrežnej oblasti po dňoch intenzívnej násilnosti. Správy naznačujú, že bolo zabitých viac ako 1 000 civilistov, vrátane žien a detí, s obvineniami z sumárnych popráv a iných krutostí. Akcia zasiahla stúpencov bývalého prezidenta Bashara al-Assada, čo poukazuje na hlboké rozdelenia v krajine. Ľudskoprávne organizácie odsúdili vraždy a volajú po zodpovednosti a ochrane civilistov. Násilie vyvoláva obavy o schopnosť Sýrie udržať stabilitu a jednotu po páde Assada.
Syria government says coast operation against pro-Assad militias completed
The announcement comes as the fighting between pro-Assad militias and members of the security forces killed more than 1,000 people, majority of whom are civilians, amid reports of rights violations.
UN says entire families killed in Syria military operation
Entire families including women and children were killed in Syria's coastal region during a military crackdown against an insurgency by Bashar al-Assad loyalists, the U.N human rights office said on Tuesday.
Syria: End Coastal Killing Spree, Protect Civilians
Summary executions and other atrocities have taken place in Syria’s coastal region following insurgent attacks on Syrian security forces and during subsequent government security operations, with the Alawite community bearing the brunt of the violence.