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No, unless pregnancy leave is unpaid and employers may stipulate that becoming pregnant constitutes breach-of-contract, women should be paid less because they are less reliable employees.


Yes, and non-binary individuals should also be payed the same salary as well


Yes, women should have the opportunity to earn the same salary as men, if they work harder and do the same amount of working hours, under the same conditions in the same position, and are just as competent unless they can't perform the job as adequately.


No, but it should provide incentives for pay equity and make it easier to sue for wage discrimination.

 @9276939 from Pennsylvania  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes in theory, but there are too many other variables such as education, experience, and tenure that determine a fair salary.

 @8ZSR5NL from GU  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, they should earn the same amount of salary under the same conditions in the same position, unless they can't perform the job as adequately.


How would you feel if you found out someone with the same role at your part-time job was earning more just based on their gender?


What value do we place on work traditionally done by women compared to work traditionally done by men, and is it reflected in pay?


Do you believe that the gender wage gap is a product of societal norms, and how can we change that?


In terms of career opportunities and growth, how might equal pay influence your career choices?


What impact do you think equal pay for both genders would have on society and family dynamics?


Can you think of any reasons why two people doing the same job should be paid differently?


If you discovered a co-worker of the opposite sex was being paid less for the same work, what would you do?


How might your viewpoint on gender pay equality change if it was a family member being paid less?


If an employer provides different salaries for the same job, how does that affect the morale and productivity of employees?


How might subconscious biases impact decisions on pay, and what can we do as a society to counteract these biases?



No, except for the minimum wage, the government should not get involved in the salaries of private companies.



Yes, but only the base salary should be required to be the same. Raises, and pay bumps must also be requested by the employee with a written document listing work quality.

 @92ZYZRW from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y

People should be payed to their capabilities. If a man or women does a job worse pay them less or fire them.

 @92YX7Z9 from California  answered…3yrs3Y

If the two individuals have the same experience, and skill, provide the same purpose and are equally sufficient, then yes. But many variables play into the wage gap that go much further than simple sexism.


Yes, and non-binary individuals should be payed the same salary as well

 @9375C2N from California  answered…3yrs3Y

yes, they should pay men and women the same hourly wage, but salary can be different due to factors such as hours worked


Yes No, there are too many other variables such as education, experience, and tenure that determine a fair salary

Yes, they should, but only if they work the same amount of hours, under the same conditions in the same position and are just as competent and do the same amount of work.



Yes No, there are too many other variables such as education, experience, and tenure that determine a fair salary

Yes, they should earn the same salary, if they work harder and do the same amount of work/hours, under the same conditions in the same position, and are just as competent unless they can't perform the job as adequately.


Yes No, there are too many other variables such as education, experience, and tenure that determine a fair salary

Yes, women should have an opportunity to earn the same amount of salary as men, if they work harder and do the same amount of working hours, under the same conditions in the same position, and are just as competent unless they can't perform the job as adequately.


Yes, if they work the same amount of hours and perform their job adequately, under the same conditions in the same position.


Yes, women should have an opportunity to earn the same salary as men, if they work harder and do the same amount of working hours, under the same conditions in the same position, and are just as competent unless they can't perform the job as adequately.


Yes, women should have the opportunity to earn the same salary as men, if they work the same amount of hours and perform their job adequately, under the same conditions in each position, but I think pay should be merit-based.


No, there are too many other variables such as education, experience, tenure, and negotiation skills that determine a fair salary, and the government should never determine what a private business should pay employees, except for minimum wage


 @8QG3TQJ from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if they have the same education and experience, and the only difference between them is their gender.


No, the government should never determine what a private business should pay employees, except for minimum wage


No, but employers should have clear guidelines on how they pay based on tenure, experience, etc. much like the federal government.

 @8WNRNBZ from California  answered…3yrs3Y

The better action would be for all salary ranges and statistics to be published

 @8WVSFDZ from New Jersey  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but, although the gender pay gap is real, the adjusted pay gap for work/revenue at the office is only about 5% according to numbers from 2010.


Yes, with employees with equal education, experience and time with/outside the business. Businesses should be required to publish their salary ranges for each position.

 @92W2BVG from Ohio  answered…3yrs3Y

It shouldn't be based on gender it should be based on the type of work you're doing.

 @8D57BPF from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8HDMV9J from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

 @92QJ5QN from Kentucky  answered…3yrs3Y

I think it matters on how much work one person is doing so if the women does more work then the man then the women should get more money for the same job

 @8X3KQBN from Nevada  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, pay should be determined only by the amount and quality of work done, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. should not affect the amount of pay given.

 @8WPC6NZ from North Carolina  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes if women and men have the same amount of education, experience, and seniority at the job

 @92JXK3J from New York  answered…3yrs3Y

Only if the woman is equally as qualified as the man. Employers should not be required to pay an under qualified woman the same as a qualified man, and vice versa.

 @92JXK3J from New York  answered…3yrs3Y

We should not force equality. Just ensure that man and woman are paid equally for equal qualifications. If one is more qualified and does the work better, he/she should get paid more than an underqualified lazy person, and the gender pay gap is a myth created by feminists, just like many other myths, to get sympathy.


No, but businesses should be required to push their salary ranges for each position

 @8VC2Q88 from Virginia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8QBN3SH from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

I think with shown proof that both of them put the same amount of work in and same effort, then yes.

 @8QT5JBT from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

If they are just as qualified and they do the exact same job for the same amount of time then yes they should be paid the same

  @8XVVHDP from New York  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but under the premise that other variables such as education, experience, and tenure are factored in the decision of salary

 @8M7T3MR from North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y


 @7KD4Z5Q from Florida  answered…3yrs3Y

 @75KRFBJ from Nebraska  answered…4yrs4Y

Employers should list a reasoning for salary that the employee can challenge.

 @7P5T843 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

 @87KZ8P5 from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y

No on same Salary. Yes on same hourly taking into account education, experience, and tenure.

 @8B2SVYR from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

No, because women do not work as hard as men do, take more breaks, and though they are performing the same job, women should be payed more, but not totally equally due to this.

 @p.voight316 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only at a base salary with room for increase based on education, experience, and tenure.

 @8CNT65N from Montana  answered…4yrs4Y

As a starting price yes, but after taking into consideration all variables (education, experience, etc.), then the salary should be determined.

 @8CQ4NFX from Ohio  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes , Men and Women should be paid the same amount of money for the same job at the base and be paid for overtime the same amount.

 @8CY5FJV from California  answered…4yrs4Y

Base it off how good they are at their ob not their gender, includes transgender as well

 @8DRWG8D from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but businesses should be required to post salaries of all employees like the state and federal governments do in order to help both genders in their wage negotiations. Too many factors go into determining a pay rate but fair wage reporting will help in fairer pay across the board.

 @8F3TJ7L from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if they have the same level of experience and education. Published pay scales would be good but not essential.

 @8DZ9CQR from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y

Income should be based solely on job performance and other factors. Gender shouldn't be included.

 @giannadavison888 from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

If a man and a women have the same job and are putting in the same amount of hard work then yes they should be paid the same. However if one is doing more then the other or their jobs are different, they should not be paid the same but not because of their difference in gender.

 @8HF7ZMS from North Dakota  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8HL6Z3K from Montana  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but apply necessary raises. If one is working a lot better than the other, support it.

 @8HVQNR4 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, even though we are both different people, we should be getting paid equally

 @8JDNVJK from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

No, the current requirements in the Equal Pay Act of 1963 are already sufficient but we should focus more on enforcement.


It shouldn’t be based off of gender, instead be based off of how hard the individual works.

 @8JMXZ6K from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, men and women should pay paid the same for the same job depending on quality and experience, not sex.

 @8JP8Y7P from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8KBPZQY from Connecticut  answered…4yrs4Y

They should be required to provide the same base salary but allow individual employees raise opportunities

 @8KLLCKT from Oklahoma  answered…4yrs4Y

The gender wage gap is a myth, it is more of an earnings gap based on multiple variables and life choices, the equal pay act is sufficient.

 @8KPNKQP from Oklahoma  answered…4yrs4Y


No, I don't support men being payed more, but I don't support a big government to help us solve our problems.


Yes, because unless the women in that business are proven to be not working as hard, it is discriminatory.

 @8L2DQDJ from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

yes but its already illegal too pay them differently and the wage gap doesn't exist

 @8MF2HYV from Maine  answered…4yrs4Y

This is something that is hard to legislate (as is the race pay-gap) because of variables like education, experience, and tenure. However, incentivizing businesses to publish salary ranges publicly and explicitly name "qualifications" to address these gaps is something we as a society should do (and the federal govt could reinforce).

 @8MNRQJ3 from Alabama  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but if they have different jobs of more importance then the others they will get payed differently.

 @8MM3Z88 from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8P4J799 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes only if there isn't a huge gap of skill and determination between them

 @8QNVK2V from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8RB2K9D from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only if their work are at the same quality. Also, ban the pink tax

 @8RB2K9D from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only if the specific employees deserve it, and we should also ban the pink tax

 @8RB2K9D from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only if they have similar education, experience, or/and tenure