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yes and no it really just depends on how they do there job.
No, but they should willingly have women on their board of directors
It’s whatever the business wants
No, but they should willingly let women on their board of directors
Yes, but only if the woman is undeniably qualified.
No, but they should willingly allow women on their board of directors
Yes, and businesses should also be required to have non-binary individuals on their board of directors
No, and any business that receives any kind of government funding or benefits should be required to have only heterosexual cisgender male Christians on their board of directors.
Doesn't matter what gender.
No, businesses should only be allowed to appoint straight cis-males to their board of directors
Yes, for companies of fifteen employees or more.
No, companies should appoint whomever is most qualified, regardless of gender
No, they should require hypospadias men
Any Board of Directors should have an independent minority advisory board to make sure all cultures are being respected.
No, let them choose the gender mix (or lack thereof), and let them reveal the degree of commitment to diversity, so that potential customers and clients can choose whether or not to do business with them accordingly.
Replace boards of directors with directly elected workers' councils
No, but women should have an equal chance to men and we must do more to challenge gender discrimination.
Yes, but they should be qualified for the position and not included simply because they're a woman
It would probably be better if they do.
while I am in full support of diversity and incorporating more women into businesses and women having higher positions, I think someone should be hired based on if they are qualified or not.
No, I support equality of opportunity not equality of outcomes. People hired/promoted should be the most qualified regardless of gender.
No, they should be democratically elected
yes, if they earn the spot and the same goes for a male
depends on the job and if they are qualified for the job
No, We should defiantly encourage it using social programs, but we cannot force it
No, but more should be done to incentivize businesses to diversify their board of directors and workplace
No, but businesses should diversify anyway.
No, but both genders should be given equal opportunity if they qualify for the position
No, but they should be incentivized to have women on the board.
No, but there must be a diverse selection committee to be sure that the business does not become patriarchal.
No, positive discrimination is still discrimination. Forced diversity is insincere and not at all reflective of the internal operations of businesses. Board members should always be the most qualified regardless of anything else.
If they are both just as qualified and one is a woman or other minority then pick the woman. If the man is more qualified then pick the man.
Any department that the business cannot be without for a week (or without a serious backlog of things to do) should be represented on their boards of directors. It's called workplace democracy.
It is up to the business.
No, however there should be more measures to include women to positions of power
Yes, if they are a publicly owned and traded company.
There should be affirmative action for women & minorities the same way it usually works, which would ensure both that there would be women on boards AND that board members would be the most qualified regardless of gender...
Indifferent because men and women should be shown equally.
i think it really depends on the company but people should be given positions because they're good at the job not because of their race or gender
Board members should be democratically elected representatives by the workers.
The government cannot mandate a gender ratio for private companies, but it can and should encourage gender diversity by mandating increased transparency in hiring and employment at all levels.
Yes, so long as they meet the proper experience and background checks
I think that businesses should let women be on the board of directors, but it doesn't have to be required.
It should not be a requirement, however, diversity should be encouraged.
there should be no discrimination between gender, but the most qualified should be the one holding any position no matter gender or what the position is
It should be representative of the business' employees and clientele. If it is a company made up of only men and the clientele is specifically male, then no.
Yes, as long as the person is qualified
No, not necessarily required but they should have gender equality at all levels.
I don't think it should be required, it should be expected to have a diverse board of directors.
No, shouldn’t be required to have a women on board.
No, businesses should be able to be solely either gender if desired.
No, but reward boards that are diverse.
Should not be required. However, women should gets judged the same as men based on qualifications when filling these positions.
No, but businesses should hire more women.
Not require it but hire more women.
No company should have a board
It should be incentivized by the market because of the diverse board's ability to acquire more consumers.
who's on the board should only be based on experience and ability
I think that the board members should have people who deserve it regardless of gender, race, sexuality, and whatnot but, I do think that there should be more female board members.
regardless corporations should be collectivized
No, but we need to increase education and job opportunities for women and minorities so they have a level playing field. Naturally, they will fall into leadership positions as long as we lift the restrictions they have.
there should be more representation of women leaders but they shouldn't be picked just based on gender
No, but more should be done to encourage diversity
No a woman's place is at home being an educator of her children
No a woman's place is at home being the main educator of her children
No a women should educate children as well as work in the home and community not worry themselves with the cooperate world
No a women should educate children as well as work in the home and community not worry themselves with Jobs outside the home
No, as forced diversity for its own sake does not actually show that a company is progressive.
Yes Only with hard work and effort.
No, but give marginalized groups more opportunities to advance in their job
Women should not be allowed in the board of directors. These are stressful jobs better handled by men.
No, but if a man OR woman has the capability to be on the board of directors they should.
yes, especially when dealing with women's rights.
It doesn't have to be required, but it should definitely be allowed.
No but they should have some without being required.
No, but the government should work to fight workplace discrimination in other ways
1. It depends on the business 2. The larger the business, the more diversity required.
if women have the ability to serve in that board.
Yes if they're qualified for the job
No, position in a company should be based on experience and qualifications, not gender
The presence of women does not itself effect equality
Yes, but only because the current opportunity for men and women to elevate themselves in the workplace and is unequal, favoring men. Once this and the campaign for equal pay is resolved, then it is not necessary.
no but thy should try to diversify their business as it would probably help them
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