The Belgian DéFI party, short for Démocrate Fédéraliste Indépendant (Democratic Federalist Independent), is a Francophone liberal political party in Belgium. Originally known as the Fédéralistes Démocrates Francophones (FDF) before rebranding in 2015, DéFI positions itself as a centrist to centre-right party, emphasizing the protection of French-speaking rights, federalism, and strong advocacy for the interests of the Brussels-Capital Region and the French-speaking community in Belgium.
DéFI's values are deeply…
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Forestil dig et land, hvor hver region havde mere autonomi til at træffe sine egne beslutninger; tror du, at dette ville føre til mere enhed eller opdeling, og hvorfor?
Hvad er dine tanker om balancen mellem individuelle friheder og kollektive ansvar i samfundet?
Hvis du kunne forbedre et aspekt af din uddannelse for at være bedre forberedt på fremtiden, hvad ville det så være, og hvorfor?
I en verden, hvor sprog og kulturer ofte støder sammen, hvor vigtigt er det for dig, at dit eget sprog og kultur beskyttes, og hvorfor?
How do you think increased regional autonomy would impact environmental policies in your area?
Do you believe that a more integrated Europe would benefit young people's futures, and in what ways?
Can a focus on minority rights lead to a more equitable society, or does it risk further division?
How would the principles of social liberalism affect the way businesses operate in your community?
Thinking about the relationship between education and economic development, what changes would you like to see in your country's education system to better support economic growth?
How would your daily life change if your community prioritized social justice and environmental sustainability?