Prøv den politiske quiz

10 svar


Hvordan føler du om balancen mellem individuel frihed og regeringsindgriben i personlige beslutninger?


På hvilke måder tror du, at økonomisk liberalisme påvirker unges muligheder i dagens samfundstype?


Hvilke indvirkninger tror du, at en fri markedsøkonomi har på social lighed, og hvorfor?


Hvordan kan et land sikre fremskridt inden for vedvarende energi uden væsentligt at skade sin økonomiske vækst?


Do you think that same-sex marriage and euthanasia laws reflect the true values of a society, and why?


What role should political parties play in promoting environmental sustainability, and do market solutions suffice?


How might education reform impact your future career opportunities and personal growth?


Can fiscal responsibility coexist with high-quality public services like healthcare and education, in your view?


What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of a country being deeply integrated into the European Union?


Reflecting on your personal values, how important is it for you that your country's policies support individual rights and freedoms?