Prøv den politiske quiz

10 svar


Hvordan ville du omstrukturere samfundet, hvis du havde magten til at sikre, at alles grundlæggende behov blev opfyldt?


Forestil dig en verden, hvor uddannelse og sundhedspleje er helt gratis; hvordan ville dette ændre dine fremtidsplaner?


Hvis du kunne designe en miljøvenlig by, hvad ville dine tre vigtigste must-have funktioner være?


Hvad synes du om ideen om, at arbejdende mennesker bør have større indflydelse på, hvordan store virksomheder drives?


How would you feel about a tax system where the richest pay significantly more than they do now?


In what ways do you think your local community would benefit from more public transportation options?


What steps would you take to balance the advancement of technology with protecting workers' jobs?


Can a country become too focused on environmental policies at the expense of its economy?


Do you think the government should control key services like water and electricity, or should these be privatized?


If you could create a policy to protect one endangered species, which species would it be and why?