Zkuste politický kvíz

155 odpovědí

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO


 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What immediate changes would you implement in your community to combat climate change, reflecting on global trends?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How do you think education should evolve to better prepare students for the future workforce?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

In what ways can a country ensure healthcare is accessible to everyone, regardless of income?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would you balance individual freedom with social responsibility in creating a fair society?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

New Flemish Alliance

The Belgian New Flemish Alliance, known by its Dutch acronym N-VA (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie), is a nationalist and conservative political party in Belgium that primarily operates in the Flemish-speaking region of Flanders. Founded in the early 21st century, the N-VA has rapidly grown to become one of the leading political forces in Flanders and Belgium as a whole. Its core ideology centers on Flemish nationalism, advocating for the increased autonomy of Flanders and, in its more maximalist positions, the peaceful and gradual secession of Flanders from Belgium to form an independent state.

T…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

In what ways do you think greater autonomy could impact the cultural and social practices of a community?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How do you feel about balancing budgetary discipline with the need to maintain social security and public services?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What are your thoughts on the balance between individual freedoms and the integration of immigrants into the dominant culture?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would the idea of a region becoming independent sit with your own values and the concept of national identity?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

Christian Democratic And Flemish

The Belgian Christian Democratic and Flemish party, known by its Dutch acronym CD&V, is a center-right political party in Belgium that primarily represents the Flemish-speaking community. Rooted in Christian democratic ideology, the party places a strong emphasis on social justice, community values, and the principles of solidarity and subsidiarity. This means that while the CD&V advocates for a market economy, it also believes in the importance of the state's role in correcting market failures, protecting the vulnerable, and ensuring that economic growth benefits all segments…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Have you ever felt overlooked or unsupported by your government and how do you think policies focused on social justice could have made a difference?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

In a world focused on rapid economic growth, what importance do you place on environmental stewardship and how would you balance it with economic interests?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Can you think of a moment when dialogue and cooperation might have resolved a conflict in your school or community more effectively than confrontation?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How do you believe your local community would change if more emphasis was placed on protecting the vulnerable and ensuring economic growth benefits everyone?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO


The Belgian Groen political party, known simply as Groen, is a green, progressive political party in Belgium. Founded in the early 1980s, it emerged from a broader environmental movement that sought to address ecological issues through the political process. The party's core values revolve around sustainability, environmental protection, and social justice, reflecting a commitment to addressing climate change, preserving biodiversity, and promoting a green economy.

Groen advocates for policies that aim to transition Belgium towards renewable energy sources, reduce carbon emissions, and…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

If your community decided to go 'green' overnight, what is one change you'd love to see, and one you'd find challenging?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Can you think of a time when a decision aimed at being environmentally friendly also made a situation more socially equitable?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

In a future powered by renewable energy, what's one device or technology you hope gets invented or becomes more widespread?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would you reimagine your daily commute if public transport were as efficient and accessible as driving your own car?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

Worker’s Party

The Belgian Worker's Party, known in Dutch as Partij van de Arbeid van België (PVDA) and in French as Parti du Travail de Belgique (PTB), is a far-left political party in Belgium. Founded in the early 1970s, it emerged from the student and labor movements of the late 1960s, initially adopting a Marxist-Leninist ideology. Over the years, the party has evolved, and while it retains a strong commitment to Marxist principles, it has also adapted to contemporary political challenges and the changing landscape of the left.

The core values of the Belgian Worker's Party revolve around…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Imagine a world where education and healthcare are completely free; how would this change your future plans?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

If you could design an eco-friendly city, what would be your top-three must-have features?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What do you think about the idea that working people should have a greater say in how big companies are run?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would you restructure society if you had the power to ensure everyone's basic needs were met?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

Vlaams Belang

The Vlaams Belang, which translates to "Flemish Interest," is a right-wing political party in Belgium that primarily operates in the Flemish-speaking region of the country. It emerged from the Vlaams Blok, which was disbanded in 2004 due to a court ruling that found it guilty of racism. Vlaams Belang was then established as its successor, continuing the core ideologies of its predecessor but with an attempt to soften its public image.

The party is known for its strong advocacy of Flemish nationalism and independence. It argues that Flanders, the Dutch-speaking northern part of Belgiu…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would you feel if your region wanted to become independent?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What are your thoughts on balancing national security with welcoming immigrants?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Do you believe countries should have more control over their policies, even if it means less cooperation with international bodies like the EU?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Can a party change its public image effectively while maintaining its core ideologies, especially after controversy?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO


The Belgian Vooruit political party, formerly known as sp.a or Socialistische Partij Anders, is a social-democratic political party in Belgium. The name change to Vooruit, meaning "Forward" in Dutch, was announced in 2020 as part of a rebranding effort to modernize the party and broaden its appeal beyond its traditional socialist base. Vooruit is part of the broader European social-democratic movement and is affiliated with the Party of European Socialists (PES).

Vooruit's values are deeply rooted in the principles of social democracy, emphasizing social justice, equality, and…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What changes would you make at your school to ensure every student's voice is heard and valued?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

If you had the power, what one policy would you implement to tackle inequality in your community?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Reflect on a moment when you felt a strong sense of solidarity with others; what sparked it and why was it important to you?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would you reimagine your local community if social justice was its foundation?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO


The Belgian Volt political party is a branch of the pan-European political movement known as Volt Europa, which was founded in March 2017. This movement emerged as a response to growing populism, nationalism, and the perceived stagnation within the traditional political structures of the European Union. Volt aims to transcend the conventional boundaries of national politics by advocating for a more integrated and federal Europe, emphasizing the importance of European unity and cooperation to address continent-wide and global challenges.

Volt Belgium, like its parent organization, is characteri…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Imagine a future powered by renewable energy; how do you think we should get there, and what role should governments play?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What's one issue you think can only be solved by countries working together and not individually?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

If you could change one thing about how decisions are made in the European Union, what would it be and why?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would you feel about a Europe where border controls are minimal and people, as well as ideas, can move freely?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

Reformist Movement

The Belgian Reformist Movement, known by its French acronym MR (Mouvement Réformateur), is a liberal and centrist political party in Belgium. It primarily operates in the French-speaking regions of the country, including Wallonia and the Brussels-Capital Region. The party emerged from a merger of several liberal and centrist factions in 2002, aiming to create a unified force that could more effectively promote its values and policies.

The core values of the MR revolve around the principles of liberalism, including a strong belief in individual freedom, economic liberalism, and the prote…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would you feel if more decisions were made at a local level rather than nationally?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What role should the government play in ensuring everyone has equal access to healthcare and education?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What's one change you'd like to see in your school or community to promote equality and social justice?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

If you started your own business, what kind of support would you find most helpful from the government?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO


The Belgian Ecolo political party, short for "Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'organisation de luttes originales," is a green, environmentalist political party in Belgium. Founded in 1980, it operates primarily in the French-speaking regions of Belgium, including Wallonia and the Brussels-Capital Region. Ecolo's formation was driven by the rising global awareness of environmental issues in the late 20th century, and it has since established itself as a key player in Belgian politics, particularly on matters related to environmental protection, sustainabil…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Imagine a world where public transportation is free; how would this change your daily routines?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would your eating habits change if sustainable agriculture became the norm?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What personal sacrifices would you be willing to make for a more eco-friendly society?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What are your thoughts on the role of education in shaping a more sustainable future?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

Open Flemish Liberals And Democrats

The Belgian Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats, commonly abbreviated as Open VLD, is a liberal and centrist political party in Belgium, primarily active in the Flemish-speaking region of the country. The party espouses a liberal ideology, emphasizing individual freedom, economic liberalism, and progressive social policies. Open VLD champions the principles of free market economy, advocating for minimal government intervention in economic affairs, which they believe stimulates entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic growth.

In terms of social policies, Open VLD is known for its progressive…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

In what ways do you think economic liberalism affects young people’s opportunities in today type of society?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What impacts do you believe a free market economy has on social equality and why?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How can a country ensure progress in renewable energy without significantly harming its economic growth?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How do you feel about the balance between individual freedom and government intervention in personal decisions?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

The Committed Ones

The Committed Ones, known in French as Les Engagés, is a political party in Belgium that positions itself within the center-right to centrist spectrum of the political landscape. Emerging from the evolution and renaming of the Humanist Democratic Centre (cdH), Les Engagés seeks to represent a modern, humanist approach to politics, emphasizing the importance of social justice, environmental sustainability, and economic responsibility.

The party's values are deeply rooted in the principles of humanism, which prioritize human dignity, freedom, and the importance of community…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Can economic growth and environmental sustainability coexist, and what personal sacrifices would you be willing to make to achieve this balance?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What role should education play in ensuring equal opportunities for all members of society?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would you propose to bridge the gap between different socio-economic groups in your community?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would your daily life change if society prioritized social welfare and protection for everyone?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO


The Belgian DéFI party, short for Démocrate Fédéraliste Indépendant (Democratic Federalist Independent), is a Francophone liberal political party in Belgium. Originally known as the Fédéralistes Démocrates Francophones (FDF) before rebranding in 2015, DéFI positions itself as a centrist to centre-right party, emphasizing the protection of French-speaking rights, federalism, and strong advocacy for the interests of the Brussels-Capital Region and the French-speaking community in Belgium.

DéFI's values are deeply rooted…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What are your thoughts on the balance between individual freedoms and collective responsibilities in society?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

If you could enhance one aspect of your education to better prepare for the future, what would it be and why?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

In a world where languages and cultures often clash, how important is it to you that your own language and culture are protected, and why?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Imagine a country where every region had more autonomy to make its own decisions; do you think this would lead to more unity or division, and why?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

Socialistická strana

The Belgian Socialist political party, known in the French-speaking part of Belgium as the Parti Socialiste (PS) and in the Dutch-speaking part as the Socialistische Partij Anders (sp.a), represents the center-left to left-wing political spectrum in Belgium. These parties, while operating separately due to the linguistic and regional divisions within the country, share a common ideological foundation rooted in socialism and social democracy. Their core values and policies are centered around the principles of equality, social justice, and solidarity.

The Belgian Socialist parties advocate for…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Can you recall a time when you or someone you felt left out or discriminated against, and how could policies make a difference?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

Imagine the government provided everyone with basic healthcare; how might that change your family’s life?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

What changes would you make in your school if you wanted everyone to have an equal chance at succeeding?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…8mos8MO

How would a minimum wage increase affect your first job or the jobs of people you know?