5 estats d’Estats Units han aprovat lleis que exigeixen que reben assistència social a fer-se la prova de drogues. Els autors sostenen que les proves evitarà que els fons públics siguin utilitzats per subvencionar hàbits de drogues i ajudar a aconseguir el tractament per a aquells que són addictes a les drogues. Els opositors argumenten que és una pèrdua de diners ja que les proves costaran més diners del que estalvien.
If a friend was denied welfare due to failing a drug test, what advice would you give them?
How would you feel if you were required to pass a drug test to receive any kind of public assistance or benefit?
Do you think requiring drug tests for welfare recipients helps or harms children in those families?
Should public funds be used to support individuals who might be using them for drugs, or should those funds be redirected towards rehabilitation?
Imagine the government announced a policy that everyone, regardless of income, must pass a drug test to receive any government service. How would you react?
Can mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients be seen as a form of discrimination or is it justified accountability for public spending?
How might the requirement for drug testing affect the relationship between welfare recipients and the government?
If it was proven that drug testing welfare recipients doesn't save money, should the practice continue for other reasons or be stopped?
In what ways could the money used for drug testing welfare recipients be better spent to help those struggling with addiction?
Reflecting on the idea of privacy, should the government have the right to demand medical tests (like drug tests) from individuals receiving welfare?